We Need Your Help

Protecting South Dakota Kids is a non-profit group of healthcare professionals, parents, educators’ treatment providers, law enforcement and other concerned people committed to protecting our children, our families, and our communities from the harm of marijuana by keeping adult use marijuana from becoming legal in our state. We are also committed to regulating medical marijuana appropriately and not allow the marijuana industry to make medical marijuana defacto recreational marijuana.

We need your support to fight off a well-funded, out of state pot lobby that has invested millions to “educate” South Dakotans about the “merits” of their product while seeking to increase their market at the expense of the health and safety of our families and our communities. Increased sales increase suicide, mental illness, lowered IQ’s, and add more crime and more addiction!

Wreck-reational marijuana will destroy our communities.

2024 was their 5TH attempt to mislead voters on the “merits” of legalizing a dangerous drug. There is nothing benign about pot. They have and will continue to pour millions of dollars into our state to line their bank accounts. It’s easier to defend a city than to reclaim it. There is nothing recreational about marijuana. It will wreck our state. We all need to continue to show up for this fight.


In 2024, 59 counties overwhelmingly said NO to recreational marijuana…

If every voting member could see what I see, the end point of legislation, you would not be able to vote to pass any cannabis laws. I promise that your state does not have enough addiction treatment facilities or adolescent psychiatric inpatient facilities (the number one adolescent diagnosis in treatment facilities is cannabis addiction).
— Dr. Karen Randall, FAAEM (Colorado Emergency Department Physician)


  • In Colorado for ages 12 and older, marijuana usage increased by 26% and is 61% higher than the national average, currently ranked 3rd in the nation.

  • Marijuana and child abuse and death, the #1 drug associated with a child’s death is marijuana.

  • In Colorado marijuana is found in 34% of the teens that die by suicide age 15-19.

  • Traffic deaths increase: drivers testing positive for marijuana increased 138%.

  • Adolescent marijuana use is associated with increased depression, suicide, and psychosis.

Help us tell the marijuana industry to stay out of South Dakota and we will not be fooled by their lies.